Action Bioscience: research information on a broad range of biological issues as they relate to the environment. From the American Institute of Biological Sciences.
The World’s Biomes: Information on the major biological communities (deserts, forests, etc.) and how they are changing. From the University of California.
GreenFILE: Comprised of scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports, GreenFILE offers perspective on the positive and negative ways humans affect the ecology.
Encyclopedia of Earth: The Encyclopedia of Earth (EoE) is an electronic reference about the Earth, its natural environments, and their interaction with society.
Open Learn: The environment: The Open University provides free online educational resources in a range of subjects. This link will take you to those relating to the study of the environment.
Envirolink: The EnviroLink Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing comprehensive, up-to-date environmental information and news.